
Saturday 6 October 2012

BIrthday Cakes.

Well today is our son's 16th birthday, I have in the oven his birthday cake at the moment.

It is a Grapefruit Cake. I have grapefruit falling off the tree at the moment and it seemed perfect to make a cake that is in season.
It is a standard cake as he has no problem with food so I thought given it's his day that's what I would do.

We are having his friends over for dinner tomorrow night, for Pulled Pork and Roast Chicken for those who do not eat Pork.

George has decided she will make a cake for that event tomorrow, I think she will make a wheat dairy and sugar free cake. I will let you know. I will post a photo of the Grapefruit cake later in the day.

I used Low GI sugar in this cake, and given it is a coarse granule, it was quite hard to cream with butter, but seemed to work just fine. The icing however will be made with icing sugar and grapefruit juice with zest. Tim will just have to be careful not to eat the icing.

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