
Sunday 31 March 2013

Sugar free salad dressing sweetener.

I made a yummy lentil,beetroot and kale salad yesterday for a family Easter lunch. I made a balsamic dressing, and to sweeten it slightly I used a date puree.

1 Cup of chopped dates and mixed in 1 cup of boiling water, left it to soften for about 10 mins, then pureed until smooth. The rest will keep in the fridge for up to 3 weeks.

I added 2 tsp of this to the dressing, instead of the sugar that the recipe called for. It was very yummy and I know it is better for us than sugar, and it helps George out with her skin.

Dates are high GI but given such a small amount is used over a large salad, it had no effect on Tim.
We had this and many other fresh, last of the summer salads,  with herb and bacon covered  lamb leg. We cooked on the BBQ. Served with my Sister's homemade bread.

What a fabulous Easter lunch. And of course those who can eat chocolate had their fair share of Easter Eggs.

Thursday 28 March 2013

Low GI Raspberry Jam.

We are in the throws of Autumn now and I managed to buy some of the last raspberries of the season to make into jam for the winter.

I used Low GI Chelsea sugar in place of the white sugar, so that Tim can enjoy the jam too, with no side effects.

Usual jam recipes call for 50/50 ratio of fruit to sugar, however I use less sugar, my ratios were 600g raspberries to 400g Low GI sugar. We don't like jams to sweet, after all it's suppose to be about the fruit NOT the sugar.

I got 1 & 1/2 jars of jam.Yum, I can't wait to start eating it. It will be rationed over winter. Jam making when you have to buy the fruit is quite expensive, but I think the taste makes it worth while.

As we have just moved I will be flat out planting fruit trees, berries and veges this winter/spring. We only have a lemon tree on the property at the mo, so watch this space. It will be exciting to be making jam from my own fruit in seasons to come.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

The Big Move South

Hello, long time since I last posted, yes I know...., but I have been very busy with our move to the South Island. We have relocated to Christchurch to be nearer family, for their support and help with Tim's ongoing health challenges.

Our daughter has finished Secondary education, so this made the timing perfect to move on, our son has changed schools, with 2 years to go, and is very happy with the change.

It is fabulous to be back in our home Island, we have bought a nice warm sunny home in a fragile city.
Christchurch is recovering from major earthquakes two years ago, the people are just amazing and it's lovely having family so close. Sadly my big beautiful "Snow" (cat) has done a disappearing act, I'm hoping this is a temporary thing.

I have picked some crab apples from my Dad's garden and will make jelly today hopefully.