
Monday 23 July 2012

Low GI Birthday cake

My Mum and Dad are staying and it was Dad's birthday, I wanted to make a cake that, firstly Dad would like and the rest of the family could enjoy. Turned out George wasn't going to be here so I just had to make it low GI for Tim to enjoy too.

I settled on a Tamarillo and Walnut cake, that I used Low GI sugar to make.
It was very yummy, we all enjoyed the cake with coffee.Especially Dad.
Tim however found that it tipped him up slightly.
I think I should have used a blend of flour that included wholemeal or replaced  it with all wholemeal flour.

I like the upside down effect of this cake as there is no need to ice it.We ate the cake warm from the oven, but if you let it cool you could dust with icing sugar.It would also make a nice dessert, served with cream.
Interestingly this recipe had no dairy in it either, so that is an added bonus for those who can't eat dairy.

A great cake for a cold winters day too.

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