
Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Seasonal Eating

One thing I am passionate about is eating the current seasons food, being a horticulturist has given me the knowledge to be able to achieve this quite easily. Well like everyone I have the best intentions, but don't always get around to it all, as you saw from the picture of my leeks being kept cosy by the weeds.

However, I have fruit trees that are always producing seasonal fruit, Summer sun produces the boysenberries, raspberries, blackberries, then the figs come on, with apples next (3 varieties). Mandarins come ready as the first of the autumn/winter colds and flu's start. I have grapefruit now falling off a very old tired ugly tree, that just keeps giving me fruit. It has looked like this for the 12 years that we have been in this house. We have an abundance of lemons year round as well as rhubarb.

Vegetables at this time of year I have are spinach, brussel sprouts, beetroot, celery and leeks. Given our temperate climate I manage to keep rocket, spring onions and the last of the capsicums over wintering.

I like to have herbs on hands too, parsley, oregano, thyme, rosemary are the firm favs. I am finally just growing what the family likes.

Summer all the salad veges, tomatoes, chillies, zucchini and beans. I might vary it a bit this coming season.

I try to only buy other veges that are in season at that time, I believe that the food ripens as our bodies require it. Our household very rarely gets the winter bugs and if we do they aren't very major.

We also eat a lot of garlic and onions, of which I grew onions last year, but because of the lack of space for the time in the ground, and how many we use, I think I will just keep buying them. Garlic, I am growing a lot this season to I can see if I can grow enough or whether I will just stick to buying them like the onions.

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